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What girl makes it through her teenage years without reading a V.C. Andrews novel? I’m not sure how popular her books are now but they were all the rage back in the 80’s and 90’s starting with the explosion of Flowers in the Attic. Andrews’s books seem to be brought up whenever the topic of guilty pleasures arises and they are certain one of mine, so today I chose review Heaven, the first book in the Casteel Family series. 

From Mind to Soul: A Review and Interview

"My feelings are unspoken without my voice." - Narinder Bhangu, In Search of Peace

I have a deep connection with poetry. I remember those years in high school and college where I would filling my notebook with thoughts and feeling creating poems. From Mind to Soul is a collection of poems written by Author Narinder Bhangu whos spirit you can feel as you read about life, death, spiritualism, social taboos, nature and more. For me, a good poem not only allows you to see the world as the poet does but it also gives you the opportunity to see that same world inside of you. When you can feel what the writer is feeling even though you have not experienced what they have, you know you are reading something special. I enjoyed From Mind to Soul and I found myself connecting with several poems. I had the chance to interview Bhangu and used that as my opportunity to further understand his love of nature and writing.

Fire in the Bones

"But if I say, "I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." - Jeremiah 20:9 NIV

Fire in the Bones is a wonderfully written coming of age novel by Mark R. Harris centering on main character Luke and his undying quest for love. Harris had a special way of using his third person narrative yet still allowing the readers inside Luke’s head, or rather in his heart feeling every bit of his frustration, sadness or happiness. You root for Luke to succeed and you feel for him when he doesn’t.